Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to say sorry

How exactly do you tell someone (your wife) that you're sorry?
I'd be a bold faced liar if I told you it came easy for me. And the sad thing is that most times, when I find myself in the "saying sorry "situation. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, want to say sorry, but I won't.
I will sit there and play out in my mind all of the right things to do and say. Things that I KNOW will smooth over the situation. Yet, I will stand (or sit ) there completely blank. Void of all emotional expression. Comfortably numb. And I know that all i'm doing is shooting myself in the foot, because the response I always receive as a result of this is, "Well, don't you want to talk to me?"
Of course I want to talk to you... The only problem is that you are not going to like the words that are going to come flying out of my mouth. You see, I have always had a very special gift with my words when under the pressure of giving an impromptu performance. This gift is known as bitter sarcasm. And please don't confuse this with the gift of being witty. I LOVE people who are witty. No...I will think of the words that will cause the most damage. Let them fly, and deal with picking up the pieces some other time. Score one more for ME!!!! Luckily... the adults in my life noticed this about me at a very early age. So, I was always taught that if you don't have anything nice to say, then you shouldn't say anything at all.
But, I really want to be like,Yes! I'd love to talk to you. " And while i'm saying those words , rise from my chair, wrap my wife in my arms, kiss and hold her passionately. Then look deep in her eyes, and say, Baby, I'm sorry. I am a complete and total ass. I never meant to make you feel that way.(or, I never meant to say those words, or....fill in the blank with a wide variety of mistakes that I've made) You are my world, and mean everything to me. You're my best friend, and I would die if I were to ever lose you. Please allow me to show you how much you truly mean to me. I love you." Then sweep her off her feet, and proceed with playing a little "patty-cake."
I'm actually going to do my best to try that approach the next time that my wife and i are having an argument. Because she does mean the world to me, and she is definitely my best friend, And I never want to be without her.
I'll let you know how it turns out.